Shrut & Asch Kidskins
Type: Kidskin
Style: Finished
Tannage: Chrome
Cut: Skin
Sold by: Skin
Average Size: 4-6 sqft
Thickness: 2.5 to 3.5 oz (1-1.4 mm)
Hand: Medium Firm
Note: We DO NOT cut!
Finished Kidskins
Thanks to Kevin, SLC is a proud distributor of the elusive Shrut & Asch kidskin! Available in a dazzling array of colors, Shrut & Asch kidskin is a lightweight leather that boasts consistent color and unmatched quality. Fantastic for boot tops, interiors, inlays, applique or even the whole darn project, you're sure to love this versatile leather!
Ratings & Reviews
1 Review
Totally awesome
Mike| 9/9/2024 7:46 am
Everything about these are perfect 👌 the look,feel, smell! So lovely