Vintage Lamb

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Price $4.90
Type: Lamb
Tannage: Chrome
Color: White and Black & Red and Black
Cut: Skin
Sold By: Square Feet
Average Size: 5 - 9 sqft
Thickness: 1 - 2oz (0.4 to 0.8mm)
Hand: Very Soft
Notes: Stock Leather. These skins are priced by the sf. but you'll have to purchase the whole skin because we do not cut this leather.

Vintage Lamb

Premium, garment grade lamb skins, tanned in Turkey by professionals that specialize in tanning Lamb and Goat. 1 ½ to 2 oz, with good strength. Skins are very, very soft, and look like they came right from a European fashion bag manufacturer. Very cool, cutting edge, and would be really good for higher end goods for people that want the contemporary look.

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