Classic Kangaroo Lace in White

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Price $15.00 to $50.00

This item is IN STOCK

Current Stock: 1


Kangaroo Lace Springfield Leather Company has the largest selection of Kangaroo Lace in the US!! Kangaroo Lace has everything a person would desire in a lace; the ultimate in color choices & finishes, plus, this lace is unmatched regarding strength, softness and durability! Excellent for braiding!

Note: Due to differing dye lots, colors will and do vary! All Kangaroo Lace is subject to availability. Please be aware that due to the fluctuating value of the U.S. Dollar; prices are subject to change without notice! Available in 3/32", 1/8" and 1/4" in spools of 50 yards 25 yards and 10 yards.

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