Nappa Lamb Skin
Type: Lamb
Tannage: Chrome
Average Size: 4-7 sqft
Sold By: Skin
Thickness: 2 to 2.5oz (0.8 to 1mm)
Hand: Very Soft
Notes: We do not cut this leather, so we try to keep the footages within the minimum number of skins possible
Wow, talk about luxurious! The name “Nappa” is synonymous with a rich, buttery finish and a gorgeous velvety back. And it’s the stuff of expensive handbags, linings, jewelry, garments, home décor, and a whole host of other high-end, personal leather goods. Leather of this quality is sure to enhance your work and allow you to command top dollar for your products! Not only that, but It’s also simply glorious leather to work with. This leather is priced by the square foot but sold by the skin. We Do Not Cut This Leather.