Toscano Calf - Old Silver

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SKU: 30-006
Price $5.50
Type: Calf
Genre: Specialty
Style: Metallic Finish
Tannage: Chrome
Cut: Side
Sold by: Square Foot
Average Size: 13-18 sqft
Thickness: 2.5 to 3 oz (1-1.2 mm)
Hand: Medium

Toscano Calf - Old Silver

This is what I would call Òold silverÓ, it's very close in color to some of the antique silver conchos that Tandy used to carry. ItÕs not really shiny, but it's very classy looking, very level at 2 _ oz, and it has a slightly firm hand, making it perfect for bags and trim. Straps and belts would be good as well, as long as you can stitch them. ItÕs very classy leatherÉ.. Very very clean, 13 to 18 ft sides, but order what you want, and weÕll cut for you.

*All Special Purchase Items May Have Limited Quantities and Are Subject to Availability.

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