Rivets and Burrs

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Price $3.49 to $26.99
Price $3.49 to $26.99

Type: Rivet & Burr

#9 (Large)
Color: Solid Copper & Solid Brass
Post Length Options: ½", ¾", & 1"
Head Size: 12mm (approx. 15/32")
Post Diameter: 4mm (approx. 5/32")
Burr Diameter: 11mm (approx. 7/16")

#12 (Medium)
Color: Solid Copper & Solid Brass
Post Length Options: ½", ¾", & 1"
Head Size: 9mm (approx. ⅜")
Post Diameter: 3.5mm (approx. 1/8")
Burr Diameter: 9mm (approx. ⅜")

#14 (Small)
Color: Solid Copper, Solid Brass, Aluminum
Post Length Options: ⁹⁄₃₂", ⅜, & ½"
Head Size: 9mm (approx. 3/8")
Post Diameter: 2.75mm (approx. 7/64")
Burr Diameter: 9mm (approx. ⅜")

Setting Tool/Tools
#9: 011-811000
#12 & #14: 011-811001


The size number (#9, #12, #14) designates the head size, and the inch measurement designates the post size.

Approximate Number of Rivets Per Pound:

Copper #12 1/2" - 237

Copper #12 3/4" - 188

Copper #12 1" - 154

Copper #9 1/2" - 145

Copper #9 3/4" - 120

Copper #9 1" - 102

Brass #12 1/2" - 240

Brass #12 3/4" - 197

Brass #12 1" - 159

Brass #9 1/2" - 143

Brass #9 3/4" - 121

Brass #9 1" - 100

Rivets and Burrs

These rivets and burrs are just the ticket when you need a sturdy, yet decorative fastener. Available in Solid Copper, Solid Brass, and Aluminum. Sold in 10 pks and 50pks, the #9 and #12 rivets are also sold by the pound. You will need some heavy-duty wire cutters for trimming the posts!

As a note, the #9 and #12 sizes only come in Solid Brass and Solid Copper, and no smaller than ½"

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