Alum Tanned Burgundy Side

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SKU: 318-1505
Price $12.00

Type: Cow
Color: Burgundy
Tannage: Alum Tanned
Cut: Sides
Average Size: 22-24 SqFt
Priced by: SqFt
Sold by: Sides
Thickness: 6-7oz (2.4-2.8mm)
Hand: Firm

Burgundy Alum Tanned

Extra tough, great for boot laces, saddle strings and gear requiring extreme durability. Not only good for saddle & tack applications, but would also make excellent bags and cases, as well. Great length, so you could do some glorious belts, if you wish! This is the most beautiful alum tanned leather I've ever seen! Sides avg. around 24 sf. We Do Not Cut Item # 318-1505

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