Top Hat Patterns

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Price $15.00 to $40.00
Type: Pattern
Style: Top Hat
Options: Full Series (4pk), Mad Hatter, Stovepipe, Coachman, Victorian
Package Contains: Three size variations: Small (22"), Medium (23"), Large (24")

You Will Need:
- 5-6 sqft of 4/5oz or 5/6oz veg tan leather
- 5-6 sqft of 2/3oz lining leather or cloth
- Foam for sweat band (optional)
- Binding: 2/3oz Oil Tan (optional)
- 1/8" Lace

Tools Needed:
- Hand stitching supplies or cylinder arm sewing machine
- Contact cement
- 1/4" basting tape
- 1/2" basting tape
- Silver marking pen
- X-Acto knife or leather shears
- Wing divider (compass)
- Cutting surface
- Glue eraser

- Single prong lacing chisel or an awl

Top Hat Patterns

Have you ever seen those fancy top hats and thought, "I can make that!" or "I wanna make that!"? Well, now you can! Our Top Hat patterns will have you making fancy hats to impress your friends, and can be accessorized to make the perfect steampunk hat! We have four styles available: Victorian, Coachman, Mad Hatter, and Stovepipe. Can't decide? You don't have to! We offer a handy 4-pack, containing all four variations. Just in case you want to be extra fancy and start a collection. Click back over to the Specifications tab, where we've listed everything you'd need to make one of these fancy hats. And, we even included instructions! Super handy! We also offer three sizes per hat: Small, Medium, and Large. So if you want, you could make up to 12 unique hats from the 4-pack! The choices and variations are endless!

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